Sotong Flower 苏东花 500G



  • Fish for you

Chinese Name(s): 冷冻 苏东花

Local Name(s):  Frozen Sotong Flower

Type: Wild Caught 野生

Flavour: Mild 清淡

Texture: Firm 结实

Cooking Method: Steam / Stir Fry / Hot Pot 蒸 / 炒 / 火锅

Sotong Flower 苏东花 is a squid cutting style where crisscross pattern on the squid skin that present a wonderful visual experience to the fish itself.

Chinese Name(s): 冷冻 苏东花

Local Name(s):  Frozen Sotong Flower

Type: Wild Caught 野生

Flavour: Mild 清淡

Texture: Firm 结实

Cooking Method: Steam / Stir Fry / Hot Pot 蒸 / 炒 / 火锅

Storage: Keep frozen at -18°C. For best quality, consume within 3 months.

储存方式:冷冻雪藏 -18°C。购买后3个月内食用,品质最佳。

✅ 100% Preservative Free 绝无防腐
✅ Cleaned & Gutted 去鳞清内脏
✅ Vacuum Packed 真空包装
✅ Flash Frozen 急速冷冻