Skin Off TALAPIA FILLET 250G TO 300G+- 无皮金凤鱼片



  • Fish for you
  • 100% Preservative Free / 无添加防腐剂
  • FRESH Scaled & Gutted / 去鱼鳞,去内脏
  • Vacuum Packed / 真空包装
  • Ready to cook / 可直接烹煮
  • Boneless

Skin Off TALAPIA FILLET 250G TO 300G+- 无皮金凤鱼片

Cooked tilapia flesh is white, tender and somewhat firm with a flaky texture. Taste is largely determined by the growing environment — water quality and feed — but good-quality tilapia tastes mild and sweet.

Storage : -18 degree